Unlocking Innovative Learning:

Redesigning Higher Education

About the Symposium

With the exponential advancement of technology, the world is evolving at lightning speed that it has never experienced before, steering us towards the industrial revolution 4.0 driven by artificial intelligent, big data, robotics, and Internet of Things. The use of cyberphysical systems and the force of super connectivity of people combine to revolutionize the way we live, work, and relate to one another. The scale, scope and complexity of change is so unpredictable that it is disrupting the landscape of every industry, making jobs of the future unforeseeable.

As Industry 4.0 is making the future of work and life more multifaceted and intertwined, it is vital for higher education to answer to the needs of future work and cultivate students with meta-cognitive competencies and multi-disciplinary knowledge, such that they can maneuver in the unpredictable future. What kind of learning is required for 21st Century?Is the current higher education model and structure sufficient to develop the necessary knowledge and competence in students? How can higher education be redesigned to better prepare graduates to be the future-ready workforce?

In this one-day symposium, we invite you to join us in thinking beyond the boundaries of the current higher education model that was designed hundreds of years ago and redesign together a model that can equip our graduates with the mindset and skill sets that are essential for their future.

Be ready to make a change! Join us on 30 May at HKUST!

 Date: 30 May 2019
 Time: 9:00am - 4:45pm
 Venue: LT-K, 2/F, Academic Building, HKUST

CEI Symposium 2018 Poster


Download the rundown

Time Details
Venue: LT-K, 2/F, Academic Building
09:00 – 09:15


09:15 – 09:25 Welcome Address
by Prof. Lionel NI, Provost
09:25 – 09:40 Opening Remarks - Going Beyond Boundaries: Preparing Students for 4.0

by Prof. Roger CHENG, Associate Provost for Teaching and Learning

This one-day symposium will explore what specific competencies and skills are necessary for graduates to function effectively as they enter the future workforce, discuss whether the present learning models are adequate to address and support the 21st Century learning needs, and how formal education can be redesigned to enable the new form of learning to prepare students for the unpredictable complex future.

09:40 – 10:40 Innovation Illustration - What Kind of Learning is Doable for 4.0?

This session will bring together three unconventional program designs to illustrate possible innovative approaches to learning needed for the future. Colleagues and students will discuss insights resulting from their experiences of these programs and share ideas on the new models of learning to address and support the 21st Century learning needs.

  • HKUST X Minerva Scholars Program, Prof. Roger CHENG, HKUST
  • Bachelor of Art and Science Program, Prof. Samson TSE, HKU
  • Individualized Interdisciplinary Major Program, Mr. Thomas Rohit NARAYANA SWAMY, HKUST
Venue: Rm 4582 (4/F, Lift 29/30), Rm 5620 (5/F, Lift 27-28)
10:40 - 11:00 Morning Tea to be served in Design Café
11:00 - 12:30 Design Café - Redefine and Redesign Learning for 4.0

In the design café, we will go through the process to explore whether the current learning models are adequate to address the competencies and skills needed for the future, and to fill the identified gaps by redesigning possible learning models and formal curriculums that can equip students for sustained success in an unpredictable future.

Panel Chairs:

  • Mr. Nick Noakes, HKUST
  • Prof. Pak Wo LEUNG, HKUST
12:30 - 14:00 Networking Lunch to be served in China Gardens, G/F, Academic Building
Venue: LT-K, 2/F, Academic Building
14:00 – 15:00 Café Report Back - Converge the Ideas

This session sums up some of the discussions and ideas that have been brought up in the design café session, and to converge the shared thoughts to possible future designs of learning content and methods.

15:00 – 15:15 Afternoon Tea to be served outside LT-K
15:30 – 16:45 Panel Discussion - Integrating Key Competences in Formal Learning

In this session, colleagues who have endeavored to embed four types of essential mindset and skill sets in the formal learning process will share their perspectives and join the panel members to guide discussion on the possible ways to effectively integrate these competencies and skills in the formal learning.

Panel Members:

  • Prof. Davis BOOKHART, HKUST
  • Prof. Ben CHAN, HKUST
  • Prof. Erwin HUANG, HKUST
  • Prof. Pansy LI, PolyU
  • Prof. Danny MARKS, CityU
  • Prof. Mark MIHOREA, HKUST
  • Prof. Mathew PRYOR, HKU

Come and join us!


Organizing Committee

Prof. Roger CHENG

Associate Provost (Teaching and Learning)


Associate Director, Center for Language Education

Prof. Pak Wo LEUNG

Associate Dean, School of Science

Prof. Philip MOK

Associate Dean, School of Engineering


Associate Dean, School of Business and Management

Prof. Chih-Chen CHANG

Director, Center for Education Innovation


Associate Director, Center for Education Innovation

Dr. Beatrice CHU

Educational Developer, Center for Education Innovation

Ms June CHAN

Educational Developer, Center for Education Innovation

Ms Elaine WONG

Education Development Officer, Center for Education Innovation

Mr. Donn GONDA

Education Development Officer, Center for Education Innovation

Ms Bilands DY

Instructional Designer, Center for Education Innovation

Miss Nicole LAI

Research Assistant, Center for Education Innovation

Contact Us

Phone: (852) 2358 6311

Email: cei@ust.hk

Address: Rm 6401 (Lift 25-26)
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong